Credit cards a major component in the world today and a huge percentage of the population utilizes them fairly often for daily purchases. But all credit cards are not created equal and by not looking into your options, you could be missing out on some pretty significant rewards programs and points that certain cards hold. If you are part of this population, then let us help simplify some options and check out these three cards below to see how their rewards could benefit you and your wallet!
Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card
Capital One is known for having cards for people of all credit histories and this card is designed for the good credit rating. While it does have a $95 annual fee, they wave this the first year AND offer $300 back when you spend $3000 in the first 90 days of opening the card. Imagine just being given $300 for your normal expenses. Are you a foodie or concert junkie? This card offers a higher end of 4% cash back fo9r all dining and entertainment purchases (how could you turn down that show when you are getting paid back just to be there, after all?). While those are the primo rewards, you also get 2% cash back on grocery purchases and 1% for anything else you may swipe that card for.
Discover IT Cash Back Credit Card
This should be a go to for anyone looking for their first credit card, especially their first cash back credit card. The approval odds for this card are also in your favor if you have fair credit, making the elusive cash back card more feasible for those trying to rebuild. The Discover It card allows you to quarterly choose your category to get a whopping 5% cash back on (you do have to remember to activate this feature yourself, which is the downside).With the potential for up to $600 cash back match at the end of the first year and $0 annual fee, this is a great rewards card option.
Chase Freedom Credit Card
Calling all current Chase card holders – pairing this Card with your Chase Sapphire or business card can turn The $300 annual cash back potential into 30,000 ultimate rewards points – these points are increasingly more valuable when you transfer them in the Ultimate Rewards portal for your travel expenses with partners. Additionally, if you spend a mere $500 in the first three months after opening this card, you get $150 cash back right off the bat! This rewards program also boasts rotating relevant categories that change by season and offer 5% cash back on those purchases – if you are one who’s spending habits tend to vary by the season (and you are organized enough to track it), this card should be at the top of your list.
While these three picks stand high on our radar, there are many cards out there to meet your personal needs!